The school has Language lab, Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Biology Lab, Computer Lab and Mathematics Lab in order to encourage children to learn by doing.
The school has a well stocked Library and Reading Room with magazines and periodicals. Books covering various subjects are available for issue to students except from the 'reference section' which is intended for 'on the spot use' only. New books are constantly added and the worn out and damaged over taken off the shelves. The school also maintains a 'motivation room' with all the latest information regarding careers in Armed forces. Each house has its own library.
A well equipped dispensary with six beds is available in the Campus to provide immediate and routine medical care to the cadets. Qualified medical personnel are available in the campus to attend to the cadets health at all times. Specialist medical attention is availed from medical practioners available in Madanapalle / Tirupati.
Sainik School, Kalikiri, Andhra Pradesh, India
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